4. Guide to DeFi Options

đź’ˇ DeFi Options

Welcome to a step-by-step guide to buying options on Premia Blue! The examples below are for buying options (entering a long call/put position). Traders can follow the same process to sell options (enter a short call/put position) by choosing "Sell" instead of "Buy" at the beginning.

How to Trade DeFi Options on Premia Blue

1. Start by navigating over to app.premia.blue and signing in with your wallet.

2. Pick the type of option you wish to buy ("Call" or "Put"), then click on “Select Token”, to choose the underlying token you want to buy an option for. Click on "Manage Base Token" to access a longer list of tokens.

2. After that, select your strike price by clicking the Strike Price dropdown, and choose the desired strike price.

3. After choosing your strike price, you’ll be presented with a window to select your Expiration Date.

4. For the final step, select your Option Size. Type in the size you want and you’ll be presented with a list of quotes from the available liquidity. The best available quote will always be displayed at the top.

After choosing your preferred quote, click the "Buy option" button. You'll be presented with a confirmation screen that displays details along with a potential P&L chart.

Confirm the required transactions in your wallet, and you're good to go! Open positions can be managed inside the Portfolio tab.

Test Yourself!

What is the strike price?

  • The spot price at the time of buying the option.

  • The price at which an option can be exercised after expiration.

  • The cost of an option.