Managing the Greeks of a Portfolio
đź’ˇ Managing Greeks
In this article of the masterclass, you will learn about:
- Details for the Greeks
- How they impact strategies
- How they impact a portfolio
- Key considerations for traders
Delta represents an option's sensitivity to changes in the price of the underlying cryptocurrency.
In a market as volatile as crypto, managing delta becomes paramount. Sophisticated traders often employ dynamic delta hedging. This involves continuously adjusting the portfolio to maintain a delta-neutral position, ensuring that small price changes in the underlying don't result in significant portfolio losses.
However, this strategy requires a deep understanding of the underlying's price path characteristics, potential jumps, and the correlation between different assets in the portfolio.

Managing Delta: Traders often employ dynamic delta hedging, a strategy that requires a deep understanding of the underlying's price path characteristics, potential jumps, and the correlation between different assets in the portfolio.
Gamma measures the rate of change in delta for a given change in the underlying asset.
As options approach expiration, gamma can become particularly pronounced, leading to rapid changes in delta. This gamma risk can be especially challenging in the crypto market, given its volatility.
Traders can consider strategies like rolling their positions—closing the current position and opening another in a further expiration cycle—to manage gamma exposure.
Another strategy, gamma scalping, involves adjusting the delta of a position to remain delta-neutral, profiting from the oscillations in the underlying's price.

Managing Gamma: Traders can employ strategies such as rolling their positions or gamma scalping to manage exposure or to profit from price oscillations.
Vega represents an option's sensitivity to changes in volatility.
Given the inherently volatile nature of cryptocurrencies, managing vega is crucial. A deep dive into the volatility surface, understanding its shifts and tilts, can provide insights into market sentiment and potential arbitrage opportunities. Traders can also consider strategies that benefit from changes in volatility, like straddles or strangles, to harness vega.

Managing Vega: Understanding the volatility surface can unravel possibilities for taking advantage of vega. Traders can also consider strategies that benefit from changes in volatility, like straddles or strangles, to harness vega.
Theta measures the time decay of an option.
As options approach their expiration, theta decay can accelerate, eroding the option's value. Sophisticated traders can employ strategies that exploit this non-linearity. For instance, calendar spreads involve selling a short-term option and buying a longer-term option on the same underlying and strike.
The accelerated decay of the short-term option can lead to profits if the underlying remains range-bound.

Theta (Marty's favorite): Theta is paid daily. This is important because options have an expiration date, and as that date approaches, the value of the option can decrease rapidly.
In traditional markets, rho measures an option's sensitivity to interest rate changes.
In the crypto world, while traditional interest rates might not play a significant role, the borrowing and lending rates on crypto platforms can influence option pricing. These rates can vary significantly across platforms and over time, based on market demand and supply dynamics. Traders need to be constantly aware of these rates, especially if they're employing leverage in their strategies.
Rho: While it is not paramount in crypto options, studying rho can provide valuable understanding about option pricing on crypto platforms.
Test Yourself!
Which description matches that of dynamic delta-hedging?
A strategy that involves buying and selling two spreads simultaneously to take advantage of delta fluctuations.
A strategy that involves selling covered call options on a continuous basis to earn premiums from a spot long position.
A strategy that involves continuously adjusting the portfolio to maintain a delta-neutral position, ensuring that small price changes in the underlying don't result in significant portfolio losses.